Self-Directed Support
Find out What’s Included & How to Apply
Cut Homecare Costs with Self-Directed Support
What Is Self-Directed Support?
In Northern Ireland, self-directed support or managed budgets are approaches that empower individuals to have more control over their care and support services. These approaches enable you to make choices and decisions about the support you receive, tailoring it to your specific needs and preferences.
Self-Directed Support has changed how social care services, including homecare, are provided to offer more choice, control and flexibility to individuals and families. It enables you to tailor a support package that best suits you or your loved one’s lifestyle. Self-Directed Support allows for informed choices about how your support is provided, focusing on ‘working together’ to achieve outcomes. It also gives you as much control as you want over how your care budget is utilised. Self-Directed Support includes several options for getting support.
Your personal care budget can be:
• A direct payment
• A managed budget
• Handled by your Health Trust
• A mixture of all three of the above

What Are the Criteria?
In Northern Ireland, the criteria for eligibility for a managed budget can vary depending on the local authority or funding body. However, some general principles and considerations apply. Here’s an overview:
Criteria for Eligibility:
• Care and Support Needs: To qualify for a managed budget, you typically need to have assessed care and support needs that meet the eligibility criteria set by your local health and social care trust. This may involve a needs assessment conducted by a social worker or care professional to determine the level of support required.
• Legal Residency: Managed budgets are generally available to individuals who are legal residents of Northern Ireland or the UK. There may be specific criteria related to residency status or immigration status that need to be met.
• Financial Assessment: Some health trusts may conduct a financial assessment to determine your ability to contribute to the cost of your care. This assessment will consider your income, assets, and savings. The outcome of the financial assessment can influence the funding you receive through a managed budget.
What’s Included in a Managed Budget:
A managed budget typically includes funds allocated to cover the cost of care and support services. The specific items covered can vary but may include:
• Personal Care: Assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and medication management.
• Domestic Help: Support with household chores like cleaning, laundry, meal preparation, and shopping.
• Companionship: Services to combat social isolation, including engagement in conversation, recreational activities, and emotional support.
• Healthcare Support: Assistance with managing medications, wound care, monitoring vital signs, and coordination with healthcare professionals.
• Mobility and Transportation: Support for individuals with mobility issues, including help with transfers, mobility aids, and transportation for medical appointments or social outings.
How to Apply for a Managed Budget:
To apply for a managed budget, follow these general steps:
• Contact Your Local Health Trust: Contact your local health and social care trust to inquire about applying for a managed budget. They will provide guidance on the application process and any specific requirements.
• Needs Assessment: Request a needs assessment. A social worker or care professional will assess your care and support needs to determine eligibility for a managed budget.
• Care Planning: Work with the social worker or care professional to develop a care plan that outlines your needs, goals, and preferences regarding care and support services.
• Funding Allocation: Based on the needs assessment and care plan, the local health trust will determine the amount of funding you will receive as a managed budget.
• Managed Budget Arrangements: The health trust will provide information on how the budget will be managed, including any appointed care managers, support planners, or third-party organisations involved.
• Service Provider Selection: You can choose your care and support service providers with a managed budget. Research and select providers that meet your needs and preferences.
• Ongoing Review: The managed budget arrangement will be subject to regular review to ensure the funds are used effectively. Your local health trust will conduct these reviews, which may include reassessing your needs and adjusting the care plan and funding allocation if necessary.